Friday, November 26, 2021

Roasted Plum Frangipane Tart

 Pate Sucree 

3.5 ozsbutter
2.5 ozs confectioners sugar 
3 yolk
4 ml milk
1 lemon zest
7 ozs All Purpose Flour
Cream butter with confectioners sugar, judt until well incorporated, add yolks one st a time, then sdd the zedt.  Mix well.  Blend in flour just until invorporated.  Gather into a ball, place on a piece of plastic films, wrap very loosely, then flatten and restvin the fridge a few minutes. 


4 ozs Butter 
8 ozs Almond paste 
2 ozs Sugar
4 ozs Eggs, whole
1 oz Cake flour 
break down almond paste into small pieces.  put in
mixer bowl, and paddle with half of the sugar just to combine.  Mount in butter and continue to paddle until blended, add remaining sugar snd cream until sugar is dissolved.  Add whole eggs, continue to cream until light! 

Roasted Plums
2 lbs plums, seeded and quartered
4 ozs butter, melted
4 ozs honey
4 ozs brown sugar 
Place plums on sheet pans lined with a silicone mat.  Drizzle with melted butter, then honey.  Dptinkle brown dugar snd roast in a 450 oven until the skin of the plums start yo turn brilliant red.

Divide  Pate Sucre in 8 pieces.  roll-each one to about 5”  round, 1/8 inch thick .  Fit into your tart shells, press firmly on the sides, trim extra dough from the top.  Freeze about half an hour.
Pipe frangipane in the tart shell using tip # 803.  Put in a preheated 360 degree oven until frangipane lightly puffed.  pull out from the oven, arrange plums on top, sprinkle with a little more sugar( additional, not in recipe) and put back in the oven to  finish baking! (about 30 minutes total ) Garnish with some toasted almonds and meringue(torched)


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