Saturday, November 27, 2021

Pumpkin Pie

 Pumpkin Pie
16 ozs pumpkin
6 ozs brown sugar
1 tsp cinnamon
½ tsp salt
½ tsp ginger
½ tsp nutmeg
6 ozs eggs
5 ½ ozs evap milk
4 ozs regular milk
Combine brown sugar, cinnamon, salt, ginger and nutmeg. mix well to make sure spices are evenly distributed.  add to the pumpkin.  Slightly whisk the eggs and add the milks, then combine with the pumpkin mix.  (You can also use pumpkin pie spice instead: 2 1/2 tsps).  You can make this filling a day in advance and store covered in the refrigerator.

Pie Dough
9 ozs All Purpose Flour
1 tsp salt
1 oz sugar
6 ozs butter
6 ozs shortening
3 ozs very cold water
Combine flour, salt and sugar.  Toss well to evenly disperse salt and sugar.  Cut in butter to fine flakes, then follow with the shortening, using a pastry blender or pulse in a food processor.  If you are beginner, try not to use your fingers so as not to warm up your dough too much. Press your dough with your palms while gathering them together.  Form into 2 balls, flatten, wrap in a plastic wrap and chill in the refrigerator to relax your gluten. (This makes sure your dough does not shrink and you will have s nice flaky crust).

Preheat oven to 375.

Take a 9” pie tin. Dust the table with a little all purpose flour.  Roll your dough out slightly less than a quarter inch, fit into your pie shell with about 3/4 inch overhang, making sure you are not stretching the dough, easing it into the tin and pressing firmly into the corners.  Fold the overhang under the edge of the pie plate, then crimp. Pour your filling in and bake at 375 degrees about 30 mins, then turn your oven down to 350.  I like to see the filling rise just ever so slightly and when jighled, does  not move.  Cool completely before serving


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